Monday, March 30, 2009


DAYTIME, along with Leptin, is the most powerful, dynamic colostrum-based anti-aging, inch loss, muscle-toning, immune boosting, essential vitamin and mineral supplement available on the market today. True first-milking colostrum can only be produced within a few hours after birth. After that, the composition changes very rapidly and becomes transitional milk. TWI only uses true first-milking colostrum as a base for The Lepti-Trim product line. Some of the benefits of “True Colostrum” are:
• Inch Loss
• Underlying Lean Muscle Gain
• Higher Energy Levels
• Better Mental Clarity
•Tightening of Skin
• Anti-Aging
Colostrum is a complete whole food and The Diamond of the nutritional field.

Why do I need colostrum?
Colostrum offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that promotes the development of a sound body. It assures effective and efficient metabolism and supports the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources.
Anti-Aging and Metabolic Factors
There are 87 anti-aging growth factors to help the body repair and reverse the damage caused by disease and aging. Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and II) activate cell growth (reproduction, regeneration and repair essential to anti-aging) improve nutrient uptake, increase bone mass, restore skin elasticity, build lean muscle, elevate mood, energize the body, and more.
Growth Hormones (GH) - aids in the regeneration of organs and tissues.
Epothelial growth factor - stimulates normal skin growth.
Leptin- a small hormone like protein involved in promoting fat loss, increasing thermogenesis, aiding the thyroid gland, and suppressing the appetite.

Basic Factors:
Colostrum contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. These include:
Vitamin A - promotes healthy skin and bone growth, essential for proper vision.
Vitamin E - antioxidant vitamin important in membrane structure.
Vitamin B12 - essential for the formation of red blood cells and maintenance of nervous system.
Calcium - performs essential function in the skeletal, teeth, muscle and nerve tissues, blood clotting and
balanced blood pressure.
Sulfur - critical for maintaining the integrity of connective and structural tissues.
Enzymes - building blocks for the body.

Essential Factors
17 Amino Acids - act as building blocks for hormones, muscle and connective tissue. They form proteins for building cells and repairing tissue. They also form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses. They build nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA), carry oxygen throughout the body, and participate in muscular activity. Glyconutrients - are the master communicators and one of the 10 most important technologies of the 21st century, according to MIT scientists. Glyco-nutrients encourage NK-Cell and Bcell activity which may increase the body’s immune response against foreign invaders.
Fatty Acids- Builds cell membranes, reduces aging.
Immune Factors Impaired immune performance causes the body to fall prey to serious infections, injury, and disease producing organisms. As we age, our immune system becomes less effective, and the body cannot rid itself of the toxins that build up. It takes longer to recover from small illnesses, and we become more vulnerable to disease. Colostrum contains more than 95 different immune factors that support and regulate the immune system. A few of these factors are: Immunoglobulins, Leukocytes, Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, Proline-rich polypeptides, Cytokines, Lymphokines, among others. True colostrum combined with these other ingredients creates phenomenal results. . .
The TWI Day Time formula brings our body back into a well-balanced shape, looking and feeling younger by providing several factors:
IGF-1 at youthful levels.

2. Leptin comes from the word leptos—which means thin.
• Leptin regulates food intake by suppressing your appetite, and how much you consume
• Leptin works on taste receptors in the mouth so carbohydrates don’t taste as good
• Leptin enhances fat metabolism
• Leptin aids the thyroid gland
• Leptin increases thermogenesis
• Leptin works with IGF-1 to build lean muscle, balance blood sugar, and overcome insulin resistance

. Balancing blood chemistries to regulate insulin resistant
weight gain.
Leptin is the key hormone involved with the storage of fat. The Journal of the American Medical Association has reported, in a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study that weight loss “increased with increasing doses of leptin among all subjects.” At the highest leptin
dose, more than 95 percent of the subjects’ weight loss was from fat. Leptin works best when it is part of the whole colostrum package. In order for the body to properly utilize leptin, it also requires both insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1
A few ingredients include:
Is the active component of GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor), which is responsible for binding insulin to cell membrane receptor sites. Without GTF, insulin is useless. Chromium has the ability to potentate the effects of insulin and to help overcome insulin resistance in overweight individuals.
A plant that contains the active ingredient known as HCA (hydroxy citric acid), which naturally curbs excessive appetite and prevents the body from turning extra calories into fat. It supports the storage of glycogen in the liver and muscles as a sustained source of energy rather than
be stored, in the body as fat. It also activates thermogenesis for the burning of excess fat.
Contains many health-enhancing properties, including polyphenols and antioxidants. It helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels and also promotes the burning of fat. Green tea boosts energy, lifts moods, and enhances mental clarity.
This all natural herb has the ability to assist the body with suppressing the appetite. This will aid weight-loss by encouraging reduced caloric intake.

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Heymsfeld, S.B., et al. “Recombinant leptin for weight loss in obese and lean adults:
a randomized, controlled, dose-escalation trial.” JAMA, 1999; 282:1568-1575.
Ninomiya, Y., et al. “Leptin and sweet taste.” Vitam Horm, 2002; 64:221-248
Saris, W.H. “The concept of energy homeostasis for optimal health during training.”
Can J Appl Physiol, 2001; 26 Suppl: S167-75.
Bjorback C, Hollenberg AN; “Leptin and melanocortin signaling in the hypothalamus”, Vita Horm 2002; 65:281-311.